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Sunday, January 10, 2010 '
2009 Person of the Year

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, we now have reach the end of the 2009 Marshall Award. It's only fitting that the last award to be presented will be the 2009 Person of the Year, the most prestigous award ever, the creme de la creme of Marshall Award. The criteria of winning this award is by seeing how active you are and what have you achieved during 2009. Like I said, everyone is eligible to win this award, so it was hard for me to decide who will walks away the winner. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the 2009 Person of the Year is....................................................................................................................................................... SYAHMI DAUD!!!! Congratulations to you for winning the biggest award ever in Marshall Award. The reasons for him winning this award are because he was the former Treasurer of BKP back in 2009 and he was the leader of the BPP Group and led the team to win the 3rd place in Livewire. So congratulation once again and to all the winners of the 2009 Marshall Award. Thank you all for your support, we'll see you next year for the 2010 Marshall Award. Have a good time everybody!!!

Marshall @ 11:20 AM

Saturday, January 9, 2010 '
2009 Diva of the Year

Ladies and gentlemen, today's award presentation is specially dedicated to all the ladies and female viewers and friends. So there are a long list of nominees for this award, it is also the second most demanding award after the Person of the Year. So without further a do, let me announce you the winner of this prestigous ladies award, and it goes to..............................................................BUTTER SALLEH!!!! Congratulations to you for being the first ever Diva of the Year winner, and to the other ladies, try again next time ok?
Tomorrow will be the culmination of 2009 Marshall Award, who will walk away as the 2009 Person of the Year? Mind you that everybody is eligible to win this award so the chances of winning is very very slim. Stay tune tomorrow for the final edition of the 2009 Marshall Award. Have a good weekend everybody!

Marshall @ 11:00 AM

Friday, January 8, 2010 '
2009 Blog of the Year

Ladies and gentlemen, it's now time for the 2009 Blog of the Year award presentation, there are three major nominees for this award: www.milokutak.blogspot.com (own by Suhara Fadhillah), www.we-we-wewe.blogspot.com (own by Aira & the Gang) and www.muizo.blogspot.com (own by Muiz Salleh. Well, the winner of this honorable award goes to........SUHARA FADHILLAH! Congratulation to you and hopefully you will continue making your blog an interesting one, and so do the others.
We have come down to 2 more awards presentation, tomorrow will be a special award that is specifically dedicated to the ladies, who will grab the 2009 Diva of the Year award? Find out tomorrow. Enjoy your day guys!

Marshall @ 10:59 AM

Thursday, January 7, 2010 '
2009 Most Boring Blog

Ladies and gentlemen, now it's time for the most humiliating award in the list. The presentation of the 2009 Most Boring Blog. The criteria of winning this award is based on how frequent you update your blog and how interesting the content of your blog. This will also be the criteria for the Blog of the Year which will be revealed tomorrow. The nominees for this award are: Aerol, Butter, Syahmi and Francine. And the winner is...........AEROL ALIDIN! Anyway, congratulation to you for once again winning this award.

Now we have 3 more awards to present, so far it has been a success, tomorrow will be the presentation of 2009 Blog of the Year and for sure the nominees for Most Boring Blog will not be able to make it. So don't forget to check the result tomorrow, have a good day all!

Marshall @ 10:21 AM

Wednesday, January 6, 2010 '
2009 Blog Reader of the Year

Salam all, today's award presentation is for the 2009 Blog Reader of the Year. The nominees are: Syahmi, Butter, Nazmi, Aira and Francine, yes, surprisingly Aira. Without further a do, let me announce the winner. Congratulation to........ BUTTER SALLEH for winning the award!
Tomorrows' award is the 2009 Most Boring Blog of the Year and surprisingly again, there are a lot of n ominees for this blog, so for those who think they deserve to get the award, be ready! Have fun guys!

Marshall @ 10:33 AM

Tuesday, January 5, 2010 '
2009 Most Memorable Moment of the Year

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome once again to the second award presentation, this time is for the 2009 Most Memorable Moment of the Year. Over the year, there has been a lot of moments that will be cherish forever in our life. So here are the nominees, passing our final year exam, Syahmi's birthday surprise, KK trip, BBQ and gathering at Nazmi and Razdey/Khai birthday surprise. So guys, here's your winner: Razdey/Khai birthday surprise! with special appearence by Sairol Sahari (DPMM FC and Indera FC player) and also Dudee. But I will just give this award to Khai, and those who successfully deliver this moment i.e Aira, Butter, Nazmi and Syahmi, and not forgetting Feza.

Guys, don't forget to check this blog tomorrow for the announcement of the 2009 Blog Reader of the Year. It will be a tough call for me and I hope you will be satisfied with the result, it's for fun anyway. So have a nice day everybody!

Marshall @ 12:54 AM

Monday, January 4, 2010 '
2009 OMG Moment of the Year

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first award presentation for 2009 Marshall Award. Today's award presentation if for the 2009 OMG Moment of the Year, it goes to the person who has been able to create controversy and shock the universe to its very core. For this award, there's only 2 nominees: Francine and Aira. Francine, who is the last year winner is no stranger, for this year, she sat on a cake during CNY celebration and making a hamster "shits" on her hand. As for Aira, she unaccidentally wet her pants, well, need I say more?

Without wasting any time, let me announce the winner, that goes to....FRANCINE for the scene of Cake Smashing. Congratulation for once again winning this award. Don't forget to check again tomorrow for the 2009 Most Memorable Moment of the Year where surprisingly there are a long list of nominees. Enjoy your day everyone!

Marshall @ 12:17 AM

Saturday, December 26, 2009 '
2009 Marshall Award

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the second installment of Marshall Award. Last year award has generated great success and the career and life of the winners have skyrocket to all time high. There are several changes for the 2009 installment, one major changes is the elimination of "Scanner" of the Year Award, this is due to the lack of contenders where up till now, there is only one nominee who is also the last year winner, Aira.

However, it has been replaced with Diva of the Year Award, where all female readers and friends will be eligible to compete for this award. So here is the complete awards lineup for the 2009 Marshall Award:

1. 2009 Person of the Year

2. 2009 Diva of the Year

3. 2009 Blog of the Year

4. 2009 Most Boring Blog

5. 2009 Blog Reader of the Year

6. 2009 OMG Moment

7. 2009 Most Memorable Moment.

The award presentation will start on the first day of the year, so be prepared~I want to wish a very good luck to all the nominees, and may this year award repeats the success or event exceed the expectation. Happy holiday all! finiched.

Marshall @ 9:37 AM

Tuesday, November 3, 2009 '
Welcome to the land of Oz!

With all the evil endeavors and dark deeds that need accomplishing around Halloween, one can only conclude that this is Ozzy Osbourne’s busy time of year. The Prince of Darkness, however, will be taking time out of his sinful schedule to join wife Sharon as the couple serve as special guest co-hosts of Monday Night Raw on November 2.

There’s no telling what sort of mayhem the Grammy-winner and his outspoken, television personality wife are likely to inflict upon the Raw roster, but one thing is certain, it will undoubtedly prove entertaining.

Prior to his hosting stint, Ozzy will be proudly showing off his latest literary effort, “I Am Ozzy,” which has already been unleashed on Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom as of October 1 and is available for pre-order on Amazon.com. The book will hit shelves in the U.S. on January 25. For all the lowdown on what's happening in the land of Oz, check out the heavy metal icon at Ozzy.com.

To catch Ozzy, Sharon and all the action live, be sure to tune in to Monday Night Raw today!

Marshall @ 7:27 AM

Sunday, October 25, 2009 '

salam guys, really really sorry for the lack of update. so today I'm gonna talk about the birthday surprise for me and Khai which happened at Excapade Gadong last time. It was co-organized by Syahmi, Butter, Aira and Nazmi. So first we went to Excapade, ordered usual meal and talked~ gossiped~doing stuff~. and then, that's when the surprise came, Butter just came back from downstairs, meeting her friend, "Arif", when suddenly someone brought the birthday cake for both of us.

It was a surprise for us, but what was more surprising is the person bringing the cake,haha. Yep, you know it, Sairol Sahari, one of the most prolific player in Brunei,and i was in total shocked,haha, sampai makan pun nda abis. His friend, Dudee was there too, along with his girlfriend and Feza! Babah Wardun was supposed to come, but then nyehhhh.... Anyway, thank you guys, it was really2 a surprise, a totallll surprise. And I would like to announce the nomination of this event for the 2009 Most Memorable Moment. Congratulation!

On the other news, today was held a big showdown between Man. Utd and Liverpool, may the best team(MU) win. WWE Bragging Rights PPV will be held tomorrow and final year examination is around the corner, so good luck all...

So thats all, enjoy the fresh new week tomorrow, finiched and salam~

Marshall @ 10:14 PM

Monday, October 12, 2009 '
A Recipe for Riches

September Birthdays

Of the 380 self-made American tycoons who have appeared on the Forbes list of the World's Billionaires in the past three years, 42 were born in September--more than in any other month.

Marshall @ 4:29 PM

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 '
Happy Birthday Afhum...

Salam guys, I would like to wish my good friend and my so called boifren(HAHA) a Happy Birthday! May your next 12 months bring you joy and happiness to you. May both of us find our real soulmate,haha. Wishing you a successful life ahead of you dude. Ok bro, enjoy your day yeah, enjoy your royal feast.

Marshall @ 10:31 AM

Sunday, September 20, 2009 '
Selamat Hari Raya...

salam all. Raya comes again. So I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the readers a Happy Hari Rayaaaa!!!! I'm sorry for all my wrongdoings and I forgive all of you,hehe... Enjoy your raya with all your beloved ones yeah.

P/S: Happy Birthday to my longtime friend, Muhd Ezwan Hazim a.k.a Ewan. May you be blessed with good health & prosperity... Hope you have a blast on your day yeah.

Marshall @ 9:48 PM

Happy Birthday Khai

It's 20.09.2009, what a date. It's also my friend's birthday. So I would like to wish a Happy Royal Birthday to my beloved son and a good friend of mine, Muhd Khairuldin Alidin a.k.a Muhammad Khairul Marshall. Hope you enjoy your day today,and enjoy your raya too bro. May god bless you in everything you do.

P/S: gamukkan lagi parut mu,biar sama mcm mvniir ah.

Marshall @ 9:31 PM

Friday, September 18, 2009 '

salam all, this will be another controversial post,haha... so last Wednesday night,or is it Thursday already, at 3am, we were performing our Tasbih Prayer. Then after that, all the jemaah were treated to Sahur at the mosque (Jame'). This is what happened, when I wanted to take the Soya Bean drink, this Indon guy just snatched it away from me and "tapau" it. Ofcourse it makes me mad, he was very rude, what a fcuking bastard. And I was watching him all the time, he kept on taking every food and drinks available, like there's no tomorrow. Bnyak lagi tu di ambil nya, and mua nya innocent,like nothing happen.

Yes, I purposely labelled him as Indon because first, he looks like typical Indon labor and secondly, he looks stupid. What a great day to start my day.

On a brighter note, I'm on the holiday mood already,wuhuuu... no, not raya mood,it's holiday mood, although I know i'm not gonna have good rest next week. Back on the sad note, we will be sitting for our BPC test tomorrow, so good luck to all. And again on the brighter note, I and some of us will only have to sit for the test, while the rest have to go through the BPP Presentation, once again, good luck all. It's the 28th day, Ramadhan is almost over, hopefully we can meet again next year. InsyaAllah.

Thats all guys, enjoy your long holiday. Finiched!

Marshall @ 11:57 AM


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Muhammad Razdey Raziq Marshall ::
a year older every 27th September ::
co-owners: Muhammad Khairul Marshall, Muhammad Nazirul Marshall, Muhammad Amirul Marshall, Muhammad Valenxia Marshall::
well-known with the name King of Kings,Cerebral Assassin,Rated-R Superstar ::
4th child out of 5 ::
lives in Tutong & K.B ::
school : currently ITB ::
previous school : SMSA, PJN . . .
for any queries: soviet_emireds@hotmail.com,razdeyraziq@live.com ::

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